Do You Have Bees and What To Do If You Have Them?

  • 11th June 2024
  • posted in: Advice
a bee in a yellow surface

The planet needs bees to thrive. Bees pollinate our plants and crops, which obviously we need to survive. 

Due to environmental deterioration and loss of habitats, Bees are on the decline and it’s a genuine concern. But it can also be a real concern when they invade our homes and gardens, potentially life threatening to those who are allergic to stinging insects. 

During the summer, you expect to see a few bees around your property. But what are the warning signs of a potentially dangerous infestation? And what can you do if you discover one?

If you spot any of the following warning signs, it’s a good idea to call a specialist bee nest removal company. You should never attempt to remove a nest yourself. Bees will attack if they feel threatened.

Finding a Hive

The most obvious sign is finding a colony on your property. Active hives are most commonly found in sheds, routed in trees or underneath floorboards. So, if you do suspect you have a problem, these should be the first places you look – but carefully. 

When bees get into buildings, the weight of the hive along with the potentially huge numbers of bees in the colony can cause structural damage.

If you do decide to search out a nest use caution. Disturbing a nest or causing bees to feel threatened will likely cause them to attack, which could be even worse if you’re in a confined space.

Wasp’s Nest or Beehive?

Having a wasp nest in your garden can also be dangerous, and if you find one the advice is the same as with bees… call in the professionals as soon as possible. Don’t attempt to get rid of the nest yourselves as this will only anger the wasps, increasing your chances of getting stung.


· Both honeybees and bumblebees become active in early spring, so naturally, this is when beehives are likely to start appearing.

· Bees like to be sheltered, so their beehives are most likely to be found in a hollow tree, chimney, wall cavity or garage. They need protection from moisture and pest invasions. It’s rare to find a beehive at ground level. These are normal beehives.

· Another type of ‘hive’ is known as solitary confinement. When bees are no longer of use or too weak for the hive, they find a new home in the ground. These ‘digger’ bees have no queen to follow and are less aggressive staying in their new home until they die.

· Different types of bees use different materials to create their nest. For example, mason bees use mud, carpenter bees use sawdust and leafcutter bees use leaves. However, the worker honeybee uses sugar from honey to create wax. They line the hive with this wax which creates the famous honeycomb.

Wasp’s nests:

· Wasp nests are busy, and you’ll likely see a constant flow of wasps coming in and out in the same place, queueing behind one another.

· Also, they aren’t location specific. They can be found on the ground, in long grass, hanging from tree branches or hidden in loft spaces.

· They are most commonly coloured grey or beige due to how they make their nests and can be a variety of sizes.

· Yellowjackets are the most common type of wasp, they create their nests by chewing up wood and plant fibre to create a pulp-like material. They stack this into combs to build the nest, covering some combs with extra pulp.

· Wasp nests aren’t as robust as beehives. Wasps only need them to last through the summer.

· There are three common types of wasp nests. Football nest, made by female wasps and most likely a hornet’s nest. The hexagonal umbrella nest, which is made by paper wasps and usually built under a roof for shelter. Finally, the Ground nest, the home to the yellow jackets and can usually found in holes in the ground or buildings. 

If you do come across a nest or a hive, get in touch with our wasp nest removal or our bee control specialists to deal with the matter. We have the experience and expertise to handle your bee or wasp issue quickly and safely.

More Bees Than Usual?

Other than seeing the nest itself, the early signs that you have a problem is if you notice an excessive amount of bees flying in and around your property. You’ll see a few in the summer, that’s normal. If you can't pinpoint where the bees are coming from, and they don't seem to go away, there is a chance the nest is on your property.

Dark Spots or Stains on The Walls Could Also Mean Bees

Another sign of a possible bee infestation are dark spots or stains on your walls.

Bees fill the cells of their nest with honey and a hive can contain as much as 80-pounds of honey. Some of the honey seeps out and if you have a nest in your home, you might find a trickle down the walls. 

As well as the pain of finding a nest, the honey can rot wood and cause structural issues. It can also attract other pests and insects, which can cause secondary issues.

Preventing a Bee Infestation

It’s not often you will know much about a beehive before it appears. But there are a few things you can do to help avoid attracting bees to where you are.

One of the most effective things you can do is to keep food covered (especially during the warmer months). Bees are attracted to most food but favour sugary and sweet foods such as fruit. So, in the summer make sure your food is covered and kept in the fridge wherever possible. 

There are many over the counter products to deter bees. For example, there are systems that emit high-frequency sounds that bees hate. 

Less hi-tech alternatives include peppermint oil, washing up liquid and citronella, which are natural bee repellents. 

Help from a Professional Bee Removal Company

If you have bees, you might get tempted to deal with the colony yourself. But there are risks with this. Blocking the entrance to a hive is unlikely to work. They will find another way in and be more agitated in the process. They can also chew away at polystyrene insulation.

What’s more bees will swarm back to an old nest or a new swarm will take its place. Simply blocking the nest will not fix the problem.

Bees are an endangered insect, but if your situation becomes dangerous, you need to call in the professionals. Despite what the common belief is, bees are not aggressive; they just like to be left alone. 

But when a bee feels in danger, it will release a scent that will attract more bees who will come to protect their friend. If in doubt, always seek the skills of our professionals to protect yourself and family.

Call us on 0330 096 1847 and speak to our experts today.

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