
Cockroach treatment in Worcestershire

Why choose Able Group cockroach pest control?

Professional cockroach pest control in Worcestershire

With the warmer weather, you might find yourself with a cockroach problem. It can be distressing, and cockroaches can bring diseases that are a real health hazard. If you’re looking to fix a cockroach infestation fast, our cockroach treatment in Worcestershire can help you deal swiftly with this nuisance pest.

An Able Group cockroach exterminator in Worcestershire has the experience and expertise to deal with all your bug problems safely and efficiently. They are trained in the proper use of pesticides and will professionally assess the situation, so any infestation is resolved as quickly as possible.

Your expert cockroach extermination in Worcestershire

Fast response
If you need cockroach control in Worcestershire with a fast response, Able Group is ready to help. We can respond 24 hours a day, only 30-90 minutes* after your call.
No call out charge
As a company, we feel it is wrong to charge a call-out fee. We provide you with a professional cockroach exterminator in Worcestershire at a fair and competitive price.
Pay on completion
Pay on completion
We will never take money from you upfront. When you use our pest control in (location), you will only pay once your treatment has been fully completed.
Thousands of homes and businesses have our cockroach control service in Worcestershire with our local pest control team highly recommended.
Subject to site survey

Trusted local cockroach pest control in Worcestershire

Cockroaches are one of the UK’s most common pests and there are more than 4,000 species known worldwide. Not all are pests, and cockroaches play a key role in many environments. But those found in the home can spread disease and immediate treatment is advised. Luckily, every Able Group cockroach exterminator in Worcestershire is a specialist in their control. Able Group can come to your home or business and eradicate the pests at a time that is convenient for you.

Controlling cockroach infestations

Cockroaches can survive without water for around two weeks but will feed on almost anything including animal faeces, such as that from hamsters or rabbits. So, good hygiene is the key to keeping cockroach infestations to a minimum in your home. Deny them a food source and they won’t like your home.

Preventing a cockroach problem
Remove food sources
Cockroaches are brilliant at scavenging and are attracted to food sources. Remove food remains, make sure there’s no standing water and keep food in airtight containers to contain the pest-attracting smells.
Clean and tidy
Cockroaches eat anything, including cardboard and glue. Their droppings also contain a chemical that alerts others to a safe spot. So, keeping things tidy and decluttered really helps to reduce the chances of infestation.
General maintenance
General maintenance around your home, such as filling in gaps and cracks, will remove cockroaches’ access routes to your home. Check for gaps and cracks in areas around pipes, drains and around skirting boards.
The signs of a cockroach infestation
Warning signs
Cockroaches are mostly nocturnal, feeding at night and preferring to stay hidden during the day. You’ll probably spot signs of a cockroach infestation before you spot the pest itself.
Cockroach skins
Cockroaches shed their skins roughly five to eight times as they grow to adulthood. These shed skins are usually found close to where the cockroaches are sheltering. They are light brown and cockroach shaped. Cockroaches will be nearby.
Odd smells and smear marks
An established cockroach infestation, particularly German cockroaches, produces a musty and unpleasant odour that won’t go. Cockroaches also produce brown smear marks on horizontal surfaces and along where they scuttle.
Cockroach eggs/droppings
Cockroaches leave their dirt everywhere they go. If you see what looks like coffee grounds or black pepper behind cabinets or around food storage areas, it could be the signs of an infestation. You might also see their hardened egg cases, which are initially dark brown but turn to black.
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Types of cockroach
Oriental cockroaches
Commonly found in dark, damp areas such as basements, sewers, and crawl spaces. They have a shiny black or dark brown appearance and are not as agile as some other species. They feed on a wide range of organic materials and can sometimes emit a foul odour when disturbed.
German cockroaches
One of the most common and troublesome cockroach species worldwide. They usually measure around 1/2 to 5/8 inch and are excellent climbers and have a remarkable ability to infest homes and buildings rapidly. German cockroaches prefer warm and humid environments.
Brown banded cockroaches
They are around 1/2 inch in length. Brown banded cockroaches have a light brown or tan colour with two distinctive lighter bands across their wings and abdomen. They prefer drier environments. They are known to be excellent climbers and can fly in the right conditions.
American cockroaches
They can measure up to 1.5 inches in length and prefer warm and humid environments. Commonly found in basements, sewers, and dark, moist areas, they can fly short distances and are strong runners. American cockroaches will consume a wide variety of food sources.
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